Best Strawberry Shortcake Berry Cafe with Bonus Doll
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She might be tiny, but Strawberry Shortcake has a huge heart! Her friends love to gather at her Berry CaféTM, where they can always count on Strawberry Shortcake for a helping hand and some berry delicious treats. No wonder she's everyone's best friend in Berry Bitty City! ? Adorable, strawberry-shaped café playset is brimming with all kinds of delicious "foods" for your Strawberry Shortcake figure to sell!
Strawberry Shortcake Berry Cafe with Bonus Doll
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Strawberry Shortcake Berry Cafe with Bonus Features :
- Let your Strawberry Shortcake figure/Lemon Meringue figure relax with a ride on her special bird friend
- Press down on the top and around and around they will spin
- Adorable, strawberry-shaped café playset is brimming with all kinds of delicious foods for your Strawberry Shortcake figure
- Special Value Pack includes Lemon Meringue figure and 1 dress accessory
Strawberry Shortcake Berry Reviews,

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